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Reports from Basa Village trek pre and post trek

For those of you who are interested, the following is an update Joel sent about projects in Basa Village: • A new WEBSITE is up and we can now take online donations! Check it out! Please note that I can invite anyone to be a guest blogger. Please contact me if you want to set that up. • Our trip will cover many tasks (and adventures!) ◦ Evaluation of our progress in Basa ◦ Evaluate next steps with the team there as well as with Niru and Basa Foundation Nepal. I will be spending some extra days in KTM for this. ◦ We just transferred $8k+ for teachers’ salaries and school supplies. ◦ We will be evaluating a stairway/walkway rebuild project for funding (work starts in December) ◦ We will be reviewing costs and plans for setting up a small medical facility in Basa – lots to consider! We got great insight and advice from Possible Health who creates health clinics across the globe (yet none near Basa, unfortunately) ◦ We will revisit the idea of creating more composting toilets. ◦ I will be doing extensive documentation while I am there and will be shooting some film to get some video updates to the members, et al.

Jeff Rasely is the past president. This is his post on FB: I just returned from Nepal and will post a series of photos about the experience. The Basa Village Foundation USA sponsored a give-away of shoes for needy villagers & students (shoes provided by Changing Footprints), distribution of solar-powered LED lights purchased from LuminAid, and testing of villagers of all ages for reading glasses. Gordon Mendenhall tested over 200 villagers, trained a school teacher, Asam, to continue testing villagers in the Basa area. The Foundation provided 500 pairs of reading glasses to be distributed in the Basa area. Each of these projects was requested by the village through our sister foundation based in Katmandu. Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes and outdoor Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting and child Image may contain: 4 people, people sitting, child and outdoor Image may contain: 2 people, child and outdoor

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